We are the tailoring of conditioning,
we build solutions tailored to your needs.
Aerfor born from the initiative of professionals in airconditioning who knowby heart the design, construction and marketing of equipment for air treatment, beginning with fancoils and ending with chillers and heat pumps for modern centralized systems.
The fundamental objective is to provide customers the knowledge acquired in the field to interpret the different technical needs and offer cost effective solutions with inventiveness and creativity to improve the standard of living.
All with the goal in mind to increase the energy savings in public and private buildings, respecting the environment.
With this vision Aerfor designs, manufactures, sells and services products primarily aimed at an international market, where it obtains a consent for the quality and the advice offered and where it is oftenrequired a very thrust customization of products.
This preferential destination of its products and services contributesfrom years to increase the stock of knowledge available to customers.
And so, it is thanks to this melting pot of skills and experiences, suitably complemented by an intense activity of research and development, that AERFOR is able to offer innovative solutions for every type of environment, from the air distribution units for:


Private residences

Offices and Shops



Marine Applications
Flexibility and creativity characterize AERFOR therefore the ideal partner to entrust the solution of sophisticated engineering requirements.
Our history
Aerfor Foundation
New products: Fipa and Fnl
New product: Konrad
New production lines at the new headquarters in Brugine (PD)
New product: HRBW/HRBH
Octopus is born and, with him, the new Demo Room
Reverso Design activity
New product: Reverso
Mission and Values
Environmental sustainability
Efficiency research
Customized products